Dream Catalyst

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Speaking at Different Events Around the World

“B! How is it like speaking at different events across the globe?”

My business partner asked me.

“It’s always a joy!”

I replied.

Though the audience may be different in terms of culture and background, they all have three common desires:

Desire to Learn: In one engagement, some in the audience travelled 8 hours over bumpy road conditions to learn. In another, 80% of the audience didn’t understand English but they patiently listened to the translator and learnt happily.

Desire to Better Their Lives: Many of them want to improve their lives in some way, shape, or form and they do so by learning from me and learning from others who have experienced the success they want.

Desire to Make a Positive Impact: Almost every one of them want to make a positive impact on their organizations or their communities.

Besides, speaking to audiences from different cultures provided me with learning opportunities.

In one workshop in Hangzhou, I even got to practice my Chinese!

What’s your experience speaking around the world?

Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”

It is certainly true in Helen Keller’s times. It is truer in our times.

With the wonder of technologies, individuals as freelancers or solopreneurs can achieve what used to be done by a group of people.

That said, working alone is never something I strive to do, which is why I’ve also seek out collaboration with others.

•  Business beyond profits: Starting Dream Catalyst has rewarded me not only financially but also about making a positive impact in the world.

•  Clients as partners: Looking at clients this way has given me the opportunity to see this client grow during their 10-year period.

•  Working with others: Collaborating with others isn’t just about achieving more; but it’s about creating synergistic value for our clients.

•  Energy for energy: Collaboration goes beyond just working together.

•  Neighbours to Collaborators: Moving to Sentosa has allowed me to meet and now the opportunity to collaborate with wonderful people in the neighbourhood.

•  Jazz and Collaboration: From a chanced meeting to connecting and conversing to collaborating with a Jazz singer!

•  Showcasing Others: Another one of my favorite thing to do, showcasing a client who help a very special group of customers, parents!

•  Helping Others Collaborate: A post of mine resonated with many because it was helping others connect and seek out collaborations.

What kind of collaboration are you looking for?

A successful business rarely succeed alone. It has a network of collaborating partners, from suppliers, customers, community, and beyond.

Clients that have a culture of collaboration are also more likely to succeed than those that venture solely on their own. And in the words of Helen Keller, we cannot not collaborate in our times.

Let’s find out how we can collaborate to help your business define the right culture, establish optimal systems, and achieve revenue growth.

Leaders Learn. And Learning Helps Us Lead Better.

Learning has been an activity I pursue relentlessly ever since I started my own business. It has proved to serve me well not only in business, but also being recognised as a Mentor of Future Talents.

I firmly believe in keeping my mind sharp as I guide business leaders and clients in creating the business culture that lead their companies to greatness.

The last 8 months, I have not only learned, but also shared consistently on LinkedIn to value create for my network.

Here are a recap of the three categories of topics on learning.

1. Everyone of us learn differently. In these three posts, I share how I learn.

·      Sharpen the Saw: As a SkillsFuture Fellowship Awardee, I lead by example through lifelong learning.

·      Learning: Beyond just reading books.

·      Mentors: Getting a mentor is probably the best investment for me.

2. Here are my three key learnings from sharing more consistently on LinkedIn.

·      Learning #1: It’s not about you; focus on the audience instead.

·      Learning #2: You do not need inspiration to post often. You need more than inspiration.

·      Learning #3: No work, even if it’s something you’re passionate about is 100% fun.

3. Learning through experience is probably the most valuable.

·      Misunderstood: I learned there is no need to be understood all the time.

·      Think differently: How you can learn to change your perspectives.

·      Magical words: How this company learned these magical words to transform their culture.

How has learning helped transformed the way you lead your organisation?

The first step in transforming the culture of your business is by learning. Learning must go beyond reading, which is largely at the cognitive level. It also involves training which can help change the way your team perform. Even more effective would be to provide coaching or mentoring because this is where it helps in supporting contributory behaviours.

We can further reinforce your team’s learning through our consultancy on Systems and Processes. Contact us to find out more.

Strategies on Business Culture

In a Harvard Business Review article, Michael Porter said this:

“the essence of strategy is choosing a unique and valuable position rooted in systems of activities that are much more difficult to match.”

While strategies in most aspects of business might be easy to copy; one that is particularly difficult to match is culture.

Which is why some of the businesses I share in my posts on business culture strategies have not only a culture that is difficult to copy, they also have superior performance compared to their peers.

Here are some of the best examples of business culture strategies:

Business Culture goes beyond staff training: in this post, I share how one difference in attitude between two staff makes a whole lot of difference in customer experience.

How can your business attract the best possible team: in this post, I share how having a positive work culture can help you in attracting the best employees.

Invest in professional development of your managers: In the UK, they have a standard for the development of people called Investors In People. I share why investing in the professional development of your managers, if done properly, will help your business reap benefits manifold.

Does having happier workers lead to better performance: Arguably, having happier workers does lead to better performance. In this post, I share some evidences from my working with clients.

The single most common challenge faced by business leaders when creating the company’s desired culture: I get many enquiries from business leaders about creating their company’s desired culture. In this post, I share the number 1 challenge faced by them.

“Only complaints; not compliments”: It is very much a “Singaporean” thing, where we complain more than we compliment. In this post, I share a case study on how that affects the staff morale of your staff in real life.

Want a strategy that is difficult to match?

Your business culture is one aspect that is truly difficult to copy by your competitors. Having the right business culture will certainly help your business perform better than the competition.

If training and branding exercises haven’t given your business the lasting results it deserves, then it is time to examine how we can help your team formulate strategies for your business culture.

Stevie Awards 2019 in New York

When I arrived in New York on Monday, I knew two things:

1. I am thankful for being amongst some of the best women entrepreneurs from around the world.

2. I am thankful for embarking on the journey of lifelong learning.

In the span of 3 years, I have been recognized 3 times.

– Best Personal Brand Award
– SkillsFuture Fellowships Award
– Stevie Awards for Women in Business

With each award, I always remind myself this: it isn’t about what I’ve achieved; but how I can inspire others to achieve.

You can get started by being recognized by your peers.

Then work your way up to being recognized nationally.

And then being recognized internationally.

But remember, with greater recognition comes greater responsibility.

So go make a positive impact, dream big, and fly high!

🎉 I am totally excited to be the The Stevie Awards Bronze winner in the Female Solo Entrepreneur of the Year category.

🙏 I would like to thank my loved ones, mentors, clients and strategic partners for being a part of this awesome journey!

Delighted to be able to mention about beautiful Singapore in my acceptance speech. Look forward to journeying with even more SG companies too.

Mentors of future talent

I recalled when I first started my own business.

I was wet behind the ears.

I was to make mistakes that many others starting out did.

I was to be discouraged by the numerous setbacks.

I was to give up because of all the disappointments.

But I was lucky.

I had someone there for me when I:
❌ made those mistakes,
⬅ suffer those setbacks, and
😫 encounter those disappointments.

On hindsight, getting a mentor is probably the best investment for me.

Now, I choose to invest time and resources mentoring budding entrepreneurs.

To give them encouragement, support, and inspiration to dream big and fly high.

Have you benefited from being mentored?

Rice for Hope

I’m lucky.

When I went through a crisis of my own.

👐 I had my network of support
🌈 I was able to see the opportunities
🌞 I managed to rise above it all

But not everyone is that fortunate.

Which is why I’ve always reminded myself to be kind.

Because everyone is fighting their own battles.

I did not become a customer

I became a fan. 🤩

Sales people can learn a thing or two from her.

She showed me the products in the store at Bynd Artisan.  

She shared with me some recommended options.

When I mentioned I’d like to take photo of her for my post, she asked:

“Is the company’s logo visible? Because that would help to publicize the company.”

Grace isn’t the owner.

She isn’t just a sales person.

She is an ambassador.

Her enthusiasm and pride in her work certainly contributes to a progress business culture.

From “hiring anyone with hands and legs”

To “becoming the ‘Ivy League’ in their sector”.

It involves more than just branding and training.

It is with this change in mindset that the client was able to:

💼 transform their hiring practices
💪 hire people who give their best
📈 have their hiring practices support their exponential growth

That said, it wasn’t easy to convince them in the beginning.

Through our Pulse Conversation, they get to hear feedback from the ground up.

Through our series of workshops, that’s when we translate vision into reality.

This is how I work with clients to help them make sustainable changes through transforming their business culture.

👉 If I can help you with your business culture,
📧 Send me a message and let’s have a conversation.


They open up our minds.

I love learning.

Learning from books
Learning from my past experiences
Learning from others.

Learning is just one part.

The other part is to share what I’ve learned.

Because I believe sharing enhances lives.

As such, I am delighted to be an invited speaker at Her Story’s upcoming event.

Join me and my fellow speakers for an evening of Inspirational Talks & Music Evening

Date: 12 Oct (Sat)
Time: 7-9 pm
Venue: Miss Chinatown



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