Dream Catalyst

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Tale of Two Staff

We were at a department store recently and saw a T-Shirt that we like. We couldn’t find the right size on the rack and looked around for a sales assistant. No one in sight. So I approached the cashier.

“Hi miss, could you direct me to where I could find your colleague to look for a t-shirt size?”

“All the sizes are out on display”.

We checked the mannequin and the t-shirt was the right size. We finally found a sales assistant. He said he will check in the store room for the size first.

There was a size available.

For the cashier, it was the easy way out.

For the department store, it was a lost sale that was recovered by the customers’ determination and the service attitude of the second staff.

Insights gleaned:

🔹 All employees need to understand the impact that their actions have on the business. Their care-less attitude affects the profitability of the business which determines the status of their employment.

🔹 All employers need to consistently coach their employees on business building/ service and to recognize/ reward those who perform.

🔹 Refresher trainings and coaching is important as complacency and a jaded attitude may set in for long time employees. Advice from the supervisor when we chatted with him to compliment the second staff.

SkillsFuture Fellowships Award 2018

As an advocate for lifelong learning, it was a delight receiving Singapore’s highest skills award – the SkillsFuture Fellowships Award last evening. Presented by the President of the Republic of Singapore, the award honour individuals as masters of skills and mentors of future talent. 

It was awesome meeting fellow awardees and hearing their inspiring stories. Love the many engaging conversations about growth and development. Here is the list of fellow awardees:

During the dinner, I took the advice of Nike “Just Do It” and bravely made my way to present my book Fly Free to our President. I never imagined that I will have this opportunity to gift a copy of my book to our President. 


Thanks SkillsFuture SG for the wonderful evening and congratulations once again to all recipients! Continue to inspire. Also special thanks to my publisher and friend Phoon Kok Hwa for supporting the nomination.

Indeed, with a learning mindset, all dreams are possible.



Kaleidoscope Series I

Together with Candid Creation Publishing, we are delighted to present the Kaleidoscope Series – a Published Authors Series which features the richness of different perspectives and lens from diverse speakers.

Join us for the first session at the upcoming SkillsFuture Festival 2018. In this session, the speakers will share on tested-and-proven methodologies you need to extend your influence and multiply your worth to give you the boost you are looking for either in your career or in your business.

Free Admission. Refreshments & Networking.
Thursday 12 July 2018 at Lifelong Learning Institute

Registration Link: Kaleidoscope Series 

Getting Over the Inertia

For a year plus, I’ve wanted to create videos.

I kept on procrastinating due to my crooked face.

Till now.

Thanks to two catalysts Edmund Khong and Melvyn Tan – Video Strategist for Business.

I am now able to get over the inertia and start creating videos.

Here’s the link to the first episode: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6401715952047755264

PS: Special thanks to Tipple and Dram for the great filming location.

#theshowcase #LinkedInVideos #bernadettechua #dreamcatalyst



Radio Interview on 938Now

Glad to be back on The Breakfast Club with Keith De Souza. This time, we chatted about enthusiasm and other mindsets as key success factors at work.


MIS Best Personal Brand Award for Business Culture

When I first started Dream Catalyst 8 years ago, the naysayers were plentiful. #grateful to these naysayers for they helped me see with greater clarity my “why” of forging my path. #grateful to the small group of champions whose encouragement and support provided the impetus to always move forward.

I coined the term Dream Catalyst around 15 years when I was going through a painful period. I told myself I will continue to believe in possibilities of dreams and also to continue being a catalyst to help others actualise their brighter better bigger dreams too. It was my mission statement.

Receiving the inaugural Best Personal Brand Award 2017 by the Marketing Institute of Singapore inspires me to continue believing and evolving to be the best version of myself each day. The award is presented to individuals in honoring them for their highest visibility on social media and leading to positive impact to their business.

It was awesome being at the MIS Glittering Awards Night on Monday 4 December; catching up with friends and fellow winners of the award and meeting new friends.

Most important, I love how everyone cheered for each others’ success. ln the true spirit of abundant mindset, growth mindset and synergy!

Grateful to have the opportunity to partner awesome clients who allow us to value create.

Looking forward to continue journeying with progressive business leaders and teams to intentionally design a business culture blueprint for success and which allows their teams to thrive.

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