Dream Catalyst

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Learning Can Be Fun!

photo7CXBBL8IA common feedback given by participants at my workshops, motivational talks or coaching sessions is that they never expected the sessions to be this fun!

I started training, teaching and mentoring since I was 18 years old. And right from my very first session, I strove to make it enjoyable regardless of how ‘dry’ the topic might be or who the audience might be. Students, educators, parents, professionals, bankers, home makers… it does not make a difference.

This probably stem from the fact that as a student, I often fell asleep during lessons. Auditory learning is my least preferred choice and coupled with the hot stuffy classroom (we did not have air conditioned rooms back then) plus non interactive mode of teaching, falling asleep was the most natural result. And what naturally transpired next is a chalk smacking into my face. Yup, the age of non whyteboards.

So when I became a ‘teacher’/ trainer, I decided that I will:

happy teams

  • make my sessions enjoyable and relevant for the participants
  • incorporate useful learnings and activities; no silly exercises or activities
  • respect the participants’ time so no fillers activities just to waste time
  • use a blend of methods so that all learning preferences is included





One of the great things about starting my own practice is that I can decide the direction of Dream Catalyst and the projects that I am involved with. So I can be choosy about who I work with. As such, it gives me immense delight to work with organisations both non profit and businesses that serve to make a difference in the lives of others. These organisations genuinely incorporate training programme as part of its mission to better the lives of their members or employees. Increased productivity and efficiency is the bonus of happy team members.

Yup, learning can be fun! Why not? 🙂

Walking on Sunshine

dnata1 Did you know? The American Institute for Stress estimates that up to 90 percent of visits to the doctor are for stress-related problems.

dnata2 Stress is a growing health problem for many working professionals today, and without strategies to keep it in check, stress can in turn cause chronic illnesses and unnecessary downtime and unproductivity for employees.



Progressive companies today are focusing on preventive care services to improve productivity by managing employees’ emotional, mental and physical well-being.




Recently conducted a stress management workshop for dnata Singapore as part of their Global world Safety Day. The management wanted a wellness workshop to benefit their employees.



Clearly stress management is a popular topic as the talk attracted a large turnout. Participants shared that the talk was fun, enjoyable and very informative.


Having the tools to manage stress is essential for our well-being. That’s why I absolutely enjoy conducting this workshop for companies as it is a way to enable people to enjoy optimal well-being. It is also a way for companies to care for their employees’ well-being.

Break Out of Your Comfort Zone

SAP 3 Was invited by  the Business Women’s Network of SAP Singapore as their guest speaker.

The topic “Break Out of Your Comfort Zone” is one that is very close to my heart.

As I laughingly shared with the participants, it seem that I  have had to constantly and consistently practice this throughout my life. And judging from the large turnout (the organisers shared with me later on that it was the best ever turnout), it is a topic that resonates with many.

Even though the session was just for an hour, I wanted it to be packed with strategies and tips that participants could use straight away. And of course, it has to be interactive and fun as well!
And during the session, when I shared the story about my mum and how proud I am of her for breaking out of her comfort zone, one of the participants excitedly shared that she knows who my mum is! So it was a nice story to pass on to my mum after the event.

As a lovely bonus, I met a friend whom I have not seen since our graduation.

Ex-school mate from poly daysI had so much fun at the event and it once again affirms the importance of breaking out of one’s comfort zone. If I did not take the first step (years ago) to do my very first speaking engagement, I would not have realised that I truly enjoy it. By moving into a new comfort zone, I allowed the unfolding of goodness. And if we focus on this unfolding of goodness, it gives us the added courage and boost to conquer the fears of moving beyond our limitations and often, self imposed boundaries.