Dream Catalyst

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Think Differently

She smiled and said, “I’m not ok.”

I was at a cafe and said hello to a server.

She shared the challenge she was facing.

Despite finding a cheaper rental option, she wasn’t happy.

Initially she was focusing on the forfeiture of her current deposit.

Upon closer analysis, she realizes the savings from new housing option was 3X the loss.

She smiled and said:

“It’s not a problem but an opportunity!”

Very often we focus on the challenges of the situation.

Instead of opportunities that come from viewing it via new perspectives.

📸: The cube-houses in Rotterdam are an architectural phenomenon. Whichever perspective you view from.


Start With What You Have

In my role as a mentor for budding entrepreneurs, I sometimes hear this:

“But Bernadette, I don’t have the skills or experience or [fill in the blank]”.

Truth is many of us choose to focus on what we don’t have instead of what we do.

Today, I have the good fortune of learning from a local publicly listed company.

The founders were illiterate and don’t read English.

However, that did not stop them.

They found a way to collaborate and start with whatever resources they had.

Don’t wait.

Start with what you have.

How about a place for appreciating peace and quiet in the heart of Helsinki?

The Kamppi Chapel was one of the places that I had to visit during my recent trip.

I love it that there’s no need to make an appointment.

You just show up and staff of the Church and Department of Social Services and Health Care are there if you need them.

Sometimes all a friend needs is just our presence.

To be with them.

To let them know we care.

And that we love them.

I’ve been fortunate to have friends who did that for me and, in turn to be there for my friends.

Take a moment and perhaps  let a friend know that you are thinking of them.

Getting Over the Inertia

For a year plus, I’ve wanted to create videos.

I kept on procrastinating due to my crooked face.

Till now.

Thanks to two catalysts Edmund Khong and Melvyn Tan – Video Strategist for Business.

I am now able to get over the inertia and start creating videos.

Here’s the link to the first episode: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6401715952047755264

PS: Special thanks to Tipple and Dram for the great filming location.

#theshowcase #LinkedInVideos #bernadettechua #dreamcatalyst