Dream Catalyst

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Only Complaints

We, as Singaporeans, are known to complain.

I recently left a review on Facebook about a cafe.

Upon my return visit, I asked the supervisor if the management gave him the feedback.

To that, he replied: “only feedback complaints; not compliments.”

When I showed him the post, where I share my compliments about him on the cafe’s Facebook Page, his face lit up!

As a manager, do you only share complaints or do you highlight compliments too?

By sharing compliments, we affirm the great work of our people.

Because that works wonders for staff morale and engagement too!

Radio Interview at 938Live The Breakfast Club with Keith de Souza: Value Creation at the Worksplace

We had so much fun at our previous radio interview that we were back at Mediacorp for a second radio interview yesterday with Keith De Souza on 38Live The Breakfast Club.

We chatted on one of our fave topics “Value Creation at the Workplace”.

How can we value create at the workplace? How can employers create an environment that allows their employees to thrive? These are some of the insights we shared during the show.

For the full interview, you can listen here: Value Creation at the Workplace.